General information for parents & carers:
ANAPHYLAXIS INFORMATIONWe have a number of children at the school with a life threatening allergy. We ask parents to refrain from sending nuts and nut products to school with their children, especially when there is a child with a life threatening allergy in their class. Some information about this extremely serious condition can be found below. All children who are diagnosed with Anaphylaxis will need to have an individual management plan submitted to the school and also added to their Operoo profile:Anaphylaxis
Our Anaphylaxis policy
Asthma is a common illness. All students who have been diagnosed with Asthma will need to have an individual management plan submitted to the school and also added to their Operoo profile.
Our Asthma policyCOMMUNICABLE DISEASES - WHEN DO I KEEP MY CHILD HOME?There are many times throughout the year when children get sick. Obviously, you know your child best and if they are unwell they need to stay home until better. Generally, if a child has a temperature, active vomitting or diarrohea, they should not be at school. There are some conditions that the health department list as more serious and set clear guidelines about when a child can return to school. Please see the following release:When Do I Need to Keep My Child AwayHEAD LICEIt is very unusual for a child to get through their school life without getting a bout of head lice at least once. It has nothing to do with how clean or dirty the hair is. It is an extremely normal, albeit annoying, part of life. If your child is scratching at their head relentlessly, chances are they might be infected. Please read the following for some helpful advice:Head Lice
We pride ourselves on being a SunSmart school. Hats are to be worn outside during Term 1 and Term 4.
Our SunSmart Policy
Information on Pertussis (Whooping Cough)The following web links provide information on Whooping Cough which has become more prevalent in our community at the moment.