Learning Diversity



“ ‘Learning diversity’ refers to the infinite variety of life experiences and attributes a child brings to their formal learning at school. All students with diverse learning needs have a right to access a full and engaging education on the same basis as their peers. Catholic schools seek to empower learners by celebrating difference and providing educational opportunities aimed at eliminating discrimination and focused on growth and progress for all.”

(Excerpt taken from CECV Horizons of Hope Foundation Statement: Learning Diversity in Catholic Schools, 2017)


At Sacred Heart we recognise that sometimes a student’s academic, physical or social and emotional learning needs can be very different from those of their peers. These differences may relate to:

  • cultural background
  • socio-economic status
  • learning needs
  • exceptional ability 
  • physical, cognitive, social and emotional or sensory disability.

We value a collaborative approach to student learning and seek effective ways to meet the needs of all learners, so that every student can experience success. The curriculum is differentiated in each classroom to cater for the individual needs and abilities of all students.


The Learning Diversity Leader works in collaboration with classroom teachers to develop Individual Learning Plans for students who require additional support academically, physically, socially or emotionally. Program Support Teams, including teachers and parents, meet regularly to develop, implement and monitor the Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) for students as required. 


Intervention programs further assist identified students across the school. The Intervention team work collaboratively with classroom teachers and parents/carers to design and implement intervention that is based on relevant student assessments, is research-based and targets the specific need of the student. Intervention programs are in addition to explicit classroom teaching practice and are designed to provide supplementary exposure to students in a structured and scaffolded manner, ensuring students are provided with multiple exposures and frequent opportunities to develop their skills and build confidence in their abilities.


Intervention can take place in a one on one setting, in a small group or within the classroom and can include short sprints or longer structured sessions. Intervention is facilitated by our trained intervention staff and supported by our Learning Diversity and Curriculum leaders.


Some of the intervention programs utlised at Sacred Heart include:

  • Literacy (Prep - Year 6 unless otherwise specified)
    • Years 1-4: Small group MSL intervention (Multisensory Structured Language) with a trained MSL teacher
    • Fluency and Decoding intervention using resources from MSL
    • Comprehension and Language support
    • Spelling intervention
    • Spelling Mastery will be introduced in 2023
  •  Social and Emotional Learning
    • Respectful Relationships program 
    • Berry Street model

At Sacred Heart we work hand in hand with parents and families, as well as external services such as psychologists, speech pathologies, occupational therapists etc. Termly Program Support Meetings (PSG’s ) are held to go through student goals and support each child on the NCCD (National consistent Collection of Data). Consultants from MACS (Melbourne Achdiocese of Catholic schools Melbourne) such as Speech Therapists, Educational Psychologists and Curriculum Advisors can also provide advice on the implementation and monitoring of students with a Personalised Learning Plan.

Fact sheet for parents, guardians and carers - NCCD Portal